I just wanted to quickly share these shoes from LVLE. They have been out for little bit now and I meant to blog them earlier but RL has been punching me in the face repeatedly for a while now and I never got around to it. I am making sure i show them now though because YOU NEED THEM. Who am I to not inform you of what you need? That would be cruel. You would never know you needed them unless someone told you. You would suffer your whole life wondering "Why me? Why is my life so full sadness and despair?" when really all you needed was these pumps.
OK, maybe I am exaggerating a tiny bit, but they are really, really nice. There are so many awesome stripper heels and goth heels and spiked patent leather dominatrix shoes and basically all kids of shoes but few make a basic pump these days. I love these because they go with SLink feet (basically any shoes I buy these days so, gotta be honest) and they match a ton of looks, even with jeans and stuff. There are lots of colors too. Check them out at LVLE.
The little food set up is free from Poche. I pretty much just put it there because I feel obligated at this point to have food with my shoe posts. Also, it's free. And it's from Poche so you know its good quality and original mesh. Om nom nom. I've never had mincemeat pie but I might try it for Poche.
Wolf Queen
28 minutes ago
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