I have been waiting excitedly for World Goth Fair for what seems like ages. Now that it's here I am overwhelmed with all the awesome and had a hard time deciding where to start with the blogging! Ah! I decided to show something from Paper Moon first because I recently posted an item of theirs from the past Fantasy Faire and this is SO DIFFERENT that I thought it would be fun to show a totally other side of the brand.
This mesh dress comes with different prints on the front, all from classic works of art in a dark, gothic style, and used *legally*, unlike so many other stores who just grab whatever they want from whichever artist they want without permission. (Stares for an uncomfortably long time at the art-snatchers who may be reading this.) Each dress comes with information about the work of art featured as well, which made me really happy because I loved that little dose of history with my fashion!
My skin is from La Petite Morte at Goth Fair. This is from the skin line called Ophelia. There is a version with heavier eye makeup that is a 50% donation item as well. It seriously feels like just yesterday that this store started making skins, even though it has been a while now, and seeing them just get better and better each release is so exciting!! My hair is from a newish-to-me store called Due and it's mesh and I love it, even though it didn't fit my bean-shaped head all that well. :P I did a post on Free*Style with a free hair from there HERE as well. My necklace is from Draconic Kiss and is also a 50% donation item at Goth Fair. I am so afraid of spiders in RL (and obviously super afraid of poisonous ones like a black widow!) but in SL they are just fine!
All details and such below!
Dress: Paper Moon @ World Goth Fair, other versions available as well
Skin: La Petite Morte @ World Goth Fair, 699L donation item
Necklace: Draconic Kiss @ World Goth Fair, 50% donation item, gems are texture change
Hair: Due
Eyes: Insufferable Dastard
Dolphin Design – Weekend Sale
1 hour ago
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