CURSES YOU HORRIBLE MIGRAINE! I SHALL SMITE YOU WITH TYLENOL AND CAFFEINE! FEEL MY WRATH! Okay, maybe I am being a bit dramatic but the Festival of Sin includes the sin wrath, am I right? Well, any excuse to use the angry face emote in SL I guess. Haha! One thing I absolutely can't be angry about though is this dress from RezIpsa Loc. I met RezIpsa a couple of years ago when she sent me a review copy of jeans in her store when she had about 10 items in the whole place. I loooooved them so much! Eventually we started chatting a bit and she joined Plurk where I have been able to see all of her releases and watch her grow as an artist and it's been so fun to see the progress. I really love these lace dresses (they come in a billion colors) though I'll say right now I photoshopped the prim part of the skirt to blend in better for the photo. It matched well already but my shadows messed the lighting up and it looked crazy in the final photo so I smudged it to make it look prettier. xD I don't usually PS much of anything so I wanted to put that out there, haha.
My skin is a new release for the Festival of Sin from La Petite Morte. I'm kind of addicted to finding new skin designers, skins being my biggest shopping weakness since I joined SL, so to find a store like LPM that is making original, basically from scratch, skins that is still fairly unknown is pretty exciting. The skins have been making the blog rounds lately and I am excited to see other people's photos and really excited to see what the creator comes up with in the future. My necklace is from Caroline's Jewelry at the Festival and it's just a fun, simple, messy necklace that really fits the "sloth" theme but in the classy style expected of Caroline's. The hair is from Amacci's just so wild and crazy I couldn't NOT blog it. I'm a sucker for big, crazy hair!
Sorry Kitty for all the Festival of Sin posts. xD I'll get back to more stuff in normal stores I promise!
Dress: RezIpsa Loc
Glove Layer Nail Polish: RezIpsa Loc @ Festival of Sin
Hair: Amacci @ Festival of Sin
Skin: La Petite Morte @ Festival of Sin
Necklace: Caroline's @ Festival of Sin
Eyes: Poetic Colors, they were free at one point but I am not sure if they still are, I will check when I log in next.
2025 0223 Aii@The Warehouse
1 hour ago
Want: the hairs, skin and necklace!
I also LOVE Poetic Colors eyes! He had a 1/2 off sale on everything in his shop the other month. I picked up a Fat Pack to go with another Fat Pack and a few freebies of his I already had.
Please keep the FOS posts coming, dahling. It may very well be the only way for me to see the stuff before the festival is over. Hope you're doing well, Miss Noel.
I'm glad you like the post! :D I had never tried Poetic Color eyes even though people love them. I had picked up freebies before and always forgot to try them out until now. I am going to go back and buy some now as soon as I get some more money because they rock!
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